Cookies on our website
We use cookies on our website to aid us in providing a better user experience. If you continue without opting to decline, we'll assume that you are happy for our website to use cookies.
If you would like to view more information, or change your cookie settings, please visit our privacy page.

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R.F. Lane

Farmers and Agricultural Contractors



The Information Commissioner‘s Office (ICO) released a set of Regulations (the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations) in May 2011 that cover the rules for storing cookies on user’s devices when websites are visited.

The main objective of the rules is to make sure users give their consent to cookies being stored, and are informed as to what they are used for.


Cookies can be used by websites for a number of different things, from allowing the user to customise their web experience, to setting preferences, to managing online shopping baskets.

A cookie is essentially a small text file that gets stored on a user’s device. This is used to store the user’s session information, but not to store any personal information about the user. The cookie can then be read by the website, for example, to load a set of preference the user has selected on a previous visit.

What Do We Use Cookies For?

We use cookies in the following instance:

Updating Cookie Settings

In occordance with the Regulations, you can update your cookie settings whenever you please:

    Accept cookies on this website

Further Reading

For further information on the use of cookies, please visit the Information Commissioner‘s Office website.